' CrowdsourceRescue:Campaigns

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Thanks to 4,048 volunteers, 83,822 people have been fed! That's around 1,001,860 individual meals!

There are 215 active tickets.

CrowdSource Rescue: Food Insecurity

Use this map to view the various needs. Click on the individual tickets to bring up more details.

Write down the ticket ID # of the cases you'd like to deliver to, then go to Zello to have a dispatcher assign them to you! Check out the training if you need more info!

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Click the checkboxes to enable/disable layers on the map.

COVID-19 Note: This is not our usual mission, we're used to boats and chainsaws. Expect some kinks.

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Save me Lord for the floodwaters are up to my neck. - Psalm 69:1

CrowdSource Rescue is not a replacement for 911 and nothing on this website can be construed as a guarantee of safety.

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