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Fund&Feed Restaurant Application


This form is for restaurants applying to the Fund&Feed program. 

CrowdSource Rescue, in partnership with Council Member Abbie Kamin and the Greater Houston Restaurant Association, have created this program as a way for local meals to be purchased from local restaurants, in order to be delivered to self-isolating seniors, healthcare workers, and first responders. 

The objective is to not only to feed Houston's vulnerable and heroes, but also help sustain Houston's restaurant industry so that employees get paid and families can survive. 

Each order typically consists of 25 - 100 meals. We'll contact you about an upcoming day, place a large order,  and then either have volunteer pick up the order, or utilize your own delivery driver. 

This project is in active development, so expect some of this process to change. Please be flexible. We're all trying our best: you, us, your customers, and those in need of a hot meal.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES can there be ANY expectation that filling out this form will guarantee an order. We are are accountable and responsible to our donors and our budget, and the needs of the community.

We recognize that the restaurants in need will greatly outweigh our budget, even with the generous support of the Buzbee Law Firm, HEB, Axelrad, Tito's Handmade Vodka, and our individual donors. We will do all that we can to help. 

Many Thanks To Our Generous Sponsors!

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Community Engagement Questions. 

Our budget will be greatly outweighed by the restaurants struggling to stay afloat in COVID-19. In that, we are prioritizing small businesses, with existing community efforts. 

Ordering Information

We ask these questions to ensure the ordering/pickup process is smooth for both sides. We generally give 24 - 48 hour advance notice, as well as ask for pictures, flyers in each meal, and a picture of the receipt. 

Legal, Disclaimers, and Expectations

Note: This is not our usual mission, we're used to boats and chainsaws. Expect some kinks.

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Save me Lord for the floodwaters are up to my neck. - Psalm 69:1

CrowdSource Rescue is not a replacement for 911 and nothing on this website can be construed as a guarantee of safety.

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