' CrowdsourceRescue:Campaigns
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Please note this is 100% volunteer and there is NO GUARANTEE OF SAFETY. This is NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES.

CrowdSource Rescue is a Texas-based disaster response non-profit that helps connect those who need help with those who can help during times of crisis. We are not accepting cleanup requests directly, please call Crisis Cleanup at 979-217-3791.

Your donation will help us rescue and deliver hope to more neighbors!


: Like Us on Facebook for Updates

: connect@crowdsourcerescue.com (We CANNOT accept requests for assistance via e-mail!)

: leah@crowdsourcerescue.com (Press/Media)

: Zello Channel

CrowdSource Rescue is a 100% volunteer, non-profit organization. We have helped rescue over 50,000 people by connecting them to civilian responders. This website is not a replacement for 911 and nothing here can be construed as a guarantee of safety.

CrowdSource Rescue white logo

Save me Lord for the floodwaters are up to my neck. - Psalm 69:1

CrowdSource Rescue is not a replacement for 911 and nothing on this website can be construed as a guarantee of safety.

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